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Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive

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Friday, 31 August 2012

Auschwitz's Football Pitch of Death

This is Stephen Lloyd, a British politician, who was one of a number of politicians who made speeches on the Holocaust in the House of Common on January 19, 2012, to promote Holocaust Day (January 27th). I've read through most of the speeches now, whilst simultaneously checking-up to see who exactly these people were, and if they had obvious motives for their Holocaust promoting. 

Two MPs immediately raised an eyebrow; John Woodcock, Chairman of the Labour Friends of Israel, and Ian Austin, whose grandmother and aunts were "murdered in Treblinka." The only speech I found genuinely powerful was by Bob Stewart, an ex-military man, who spoke about his time in Bosnia in 1992, but he also claimed his British mother once told him; that her generation is collectively responsible for the Holocaust. It's worth flicking through the speeches, just to reassure yourself of how powerful Jews are in Britain. To command such a well-arranged outpourings of either feigned or deluded grief from British politicians is worrying.

The aforementioned Stephen Lloyd, recounted a bizarre tale about football (soccer) at Auschwitz he'd been told when he visited there. Now, I believe I've compiled the most extensive collection of 
sources on football at Auschwitz out-there, so I immediately saw the holes in Mr Lloyd's Auschwitz football tale, but the photo at the bottom of this post clearly shows why Mr Lloyd's story is farcical:

"The person from HET (Holocaust Education Trust) who was leading the tour was telling us while we were beside the rail track that many political prisoners were also kept at Auschwitz-Birkenau. We were shown the place where they used to play football, and behind us was where the rail carriages came in down the bottom of the hill. The story came out after the war of one particular political leader who was a dissident in the eyes of the Nazis, so he was sent to Auschwitz. He was the goalkeeper. Those prisoners were kept separate from the whole extermination side of Auschwitz. I had not been aware of that, but I learnt it that day. It was a separate camp, almost, even though it was smack in the middle. They knew that there was a rail track on the other side of the hill, because they would hear the noise of the train, but they never actually saw it.
This bloke recounted after the war how one day, while he was the goalie, the ball went way over the crossbar and he ran down the hill to get it. At the bottom of the hill, of course, was the siding where the trains came in, and a train had just come in. Suddenly, he saw thousands of people being moved out of the train, and guards there—the huge, Dante’s inferno-type exercise of a train coming in. He thought, “That’s interesting,” and he picked the ball up and went back to the game. About 40 minutes later, another ball went over the crossbar and he went down the hill again, but there was nothing there—everything had gone. It was so efficient. A train would come in and be emptied. There were troops, dogs and kapos there. Everyone had been moved off. Some 45 minutes later, the train had gone."

I don't know which Auschwitz-Birkenau, Mr Lloyd visited, but the Auschwitz-Birkenau has no "hill" in it. But it is covered in drainage ditches, and one does runs along the side of the fence separating the Birkenau football pitch and the train tracks, perhaps the "goalie" walked down and then up that to retrieve his ball. But how he and the other players failed to see through the fence, not only to the trains unloading Jews, but to the crematorium/gas chamber (blue arrow) processing Jews, and the crematory chimney belching different colours of smoke, depending on whether fat or skinny people were being cremated, is a mystery.


  1. This is by far the most extensive collection of archived information on these particular topics that I have ever seen. I cant imagine the attacks this site must come under from certain interests, lol. Do you mind if I spread any of this info??
    Of course I will give credits to your site.....

    1. Thanks very much.

      Strangely, two of my most persistent critics are American self-proclaimed neo-Nazis. Seemingly, debunking the hoax isn't enough for them, you have to seig heil whilst doing it.

      Yes, please feel free to spread whatever you want from here. It makes a very pleasant change to be asked, normally it's just taken.

  2. Do you ever heard of Martin Zaidenstadt?

    1. I had not previously. But thanks for posting that.

  3. Thank you, the time and effort that went into this deserves acknowledgement, and to cut and paste without giving credit is theft. In regards to being attacked, I was thinking more along the lines of software attacks to crash your site.

    Interesting though, that Neo-Nazis would have it out for you. I suppose, from I have seen, that it might be because Hitler was at times in bed with the Zionists, took money from Jew bankers and such. He despised Bolshevism more than anything, but wasnt hell bent on hating Jews. That's just my opinion, and I don't claim to be an expert. However I do know that Jewish owned media has a propensity for lying, and blame shifting. I look forward to looking over the rest of this info...


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