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Tomorrow it will be too late



























Sadat's death was greeted with jubilation


The Egyptian Capitulation of "Camp David Accords" do not brought prosperity to Egypt. With no real improvement in the economy, Sadat became increasingly unpopular. His isolation in the Arab world was matched by his increasing remoteness from the mass of Egyptians. While Sadat's critics in the Arab world remained beyond his reach, increasingly he reacted to criticism at home by expanding censorship and jailing his opponents. In addition, Sadat subjected the Egyptians to a series of referenda on his actions and proposals that he invariably won by more than "99 percent" of the vote. For example, in May 1979 the "Egyptian people" "approved" the Egyptian-Israeli "treaty" (Capitulation) by "99.9 percent"(!!!) of those voting.

One of Sadat's most remarkable acts during this period was the so-called "Law of Shame", which was drafted at Sadat's express instructions. Among the shameful crimes punishable under this law were "broadcasting or publishing gross or scurrilous words or pictures that could offend ... the dignity of the state." Offenders could be barred from public life or from engaging in economic activity or managing their own property; they could be condemned to internal exile or prohibited from leaving the country. The Law of Shame was approved in a referendum by "98.56 percent" of the "electorate". This was remarkable since there was widespread opposition to the law, which was denounced as "an act of shame."

In May 1980, an impressive, nonpartisan body of citizens charged Sadat with superseding his own constitution. Their manifesto declared, "The style in which Egypt is governed today is not based on any specific form of government. While it is not dictatorship, Nazism, or fascism, neither is it democracy or pseudodemocracy."

In September 1981, Sadat ordered the biggest roundup of his opponents since he came to power, at least 1,500 people according to the official figure but more according to unofficial reports. The Muslim Brotherhood bore the brunt of the arrests. The supreme guide of the Brotherhood, Umar Tilmasani, and other religious militants were arrested. Sadat also withdrew his "recognition" of the Coptic pope Shenudah III, banished him to a desert monastery, and arrested several bishops and priests. Also arrested were such prominent figures as journalist Mohamed Heikal, and Wafd leader Fuad Siraj ad Din. Sadat ordered the arrest of several SLP leaders and the closing of Elshaab (The People) newspaper. A referendum on his purge showed nearly "99.5 percent" of the "electorate" approved.

On October 6 1981, while observing a military parade commemorating the eighth anniversary of the October 1973 War, Sadat was assassinated by members of Al Jihad movement, a group of militant islamists. Sadat's assassin was Lieutenant Khalid al Islambuli. Those islamists were arrested and tried. In April 1982, two of them were shot and three hanged.

Whereas a big number of Gewish and Western leaders, including three former United States presidents, attended Sadat's funeral, only one member of the Arab League was represented by a head of state, Sudan. Only two, Oman and Somalia, sent representatives. In Egypt 43 million people went on with the celebration of Id al Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, as if nothing had happened. There were no throngs in the streets, grieving and lamenting, as there were when Nasser died. In the Islamic world, Sadat's death was greeted with jubilation.


Jewish occupied Egyptian Authority

muzzles a political party !

Why the Palestinians
are eliminating their traitors?
By Israel Shahak

From Defender to Dictator

Khâlid Al-Islambûlî

In the court cell at the trial in which he was sentenced to death
for the assassination of the enemy of God, Anwar Saddat.

Khalid Al-Islambuli

Dans la cellule de tribunal, au procès pendant lequel il fut condamné

à mort pour l'execution de l'ennemi de Dieu, Anwar Saddat.

(Extrait du livre d´Ahmed Rami "Ett liv för Frihet".)

Our weakness

We must know that our weakness is Israel's strength. The regimes that are in power in our countries are like dead bodies, our "leaders" are politically finished. Instead of stepping down in honor, they cling bitterly to power and try to drag their peoples along into the precipice.

In the first place, we must conquer tyranny, decadence and corruption in our own hearts and in our countries! Instead of giving up, we must work seriously to create the economic, political, military and social conditions for the future victory of the Justice.

The future belongs to the forces of Islam.  Hezbullah, Hamas and Jihad are the Islamic response to the Zionist challenge. Islam began in the 6th century as a cultural, and spiritual movement against the superpowers of that time.

The military strength of Islam grew as a consequence of its spiritual strength. Today, capitulating before the Jewish arrogance is not a solution; it is betraying the future generations. If we can not create victory today, we muste not create defeat ourselves. The least We can do is to capitulate without resisting.

Any "solution" violently extorted, any unjust "peace" (capitulation) will be rejected by the future generations. The only real solution of the Palestinian question lies in the return of the Palestinian people to their fatherland.

We should step up struggle against Zionism
It is not just enough to know that we are right
It is time to see the REAL enemy!

= Nos voleurs!
Il y a des problèmes extrêmes où nous nous debattons et que nous avons trop tardé à regarder en face. A la différence des pays occidentaux, nos "pays musulmans" ne connaissent que peu de hold-up de banques. C'est que les voleurs d'envergure savent qu'aujourd'hui, dans nos pays, la source d'enrichissement la plus sûre, la plus rapide, la seule à vrai dire, est le pouvoir. À titre d´exemple : le systeme féodal (makhzen) - qui n´a rien à voir avec l´Islam - que Hassan II a pérpétué anachroniquement au Maroc en plein XXe siècle - fait de la corruption généralisée un systhème de gouvernement.

Le régime de Hassan II constitue, pour notre pays, pour notre peuple et pour notre avenir un danger mortel réel.
Face à ce danger et à son défi, il n y a, devant nous, qu´une seule alternative et une seule réponse: une révolution islamique radicale, éclairée, intelligente, tolérante et liberatrce!
En Islam, la liberté est la régle et l´interdit est l´exception.

Il s´impose donc urgence et nécessité vitale de créer un Front Islamique uni pour la Liberation du Maroc.
Les grands ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux. Levons-nous!

Ahmed Rami

 Ahmed Rami,


"When a Jew, in America or in South Africa, talks to his Jewish companions about 'our' government, he means the government of Israel."

- David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister

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