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Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Archive

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

HC BST: Chapter 7

"... the known fact that humanity has grown taller over time." (p.417) 
To borrow a expletive from HC BST: "Bullshit" 
"If you were to meet an Englishman in the year 1000, the first thing that would strike you would be how tall he was very much the size of anyone alive today.3 It is generally believed that we are taller than our ancestors, and that is certainly true when we compare our stature to the size of more recent generations. Malnourished and overcrowded, the inhabitants of Georgian or Victorian England could not match our health or physique at the end of the twentieth century.
But the bones that have been excavated from the graves of people buried in England in the years around 1000 tell a tale of strong and healthy folk — the Anglo-Saxons who had occupied the greater part of the British Isles since the departure of the Romans. 
(footnote) 3. See Werner (Alex, ed. London Bodies: The Changing Shape of Londoners from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day. London: Museum of London, 1998), p. 108, for a table of London body heights over the centuries, based on excavations going back to prehistoric times. This shows, for example, that the average Saxon male body height was 5'8", as compared to the modern average of 5'9" (and a Victorian male average of 5'5". The table also shows that, at 5'4¼", the average Saxon female was actually taller than the modern female Londoner, whose average height is 5'3¾". The equivalent height for the female Victorian was 5'1¼".
- Lacey, Robert. Danziger, Danny. The Year 1000: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium. London: Abacus. 2000. p.9 & 215. And here

"With the more realistic weights for malnourished Polish ghetto Jews that the author established above, the average would be 663.4 + 34 = 19.51 (20) corpses per cubic meter." (p.418)
Below is a photo of the Germans reportedly burying people in a mass grave at Belzec—whether it is actually Belzec is immaterial, but it does give an example of how the Nazis buried cadavers in mass graves. The corpses are severely emaciated, which the gas chamber victims would not have been, and although these corpses appear to be men only, it still shows that HC claim of 20 corpses per cubic metre is preposterously absurd.

For illustrative purposes

"With 10 daily trips to a nearby storage place, 656 trucks could manage this load in a single day, 66 trucks in 10 days and 7 trucks in 100 days. Even the much higher quantity claimed by Mattogno could have been removed within 100 days, which was much less than the gassing operations at Belzec lasted, with no more than 24 trucks. Not exactly an insurmountable logistical problem." (p.429)
The German shortage of fuel was well known to the Allies, see for example this story in U.S. press in May 1941. "Nazi Gasoline Shortage Best Hope for Success for Allies ... The outcome of the war may hinge on this fact." On at least five occasions, between July and January 1943, the Auschwitz camp had to seek authorisation from Berlin just to send a single truck to Dessau to collect additional supplies of Zyklon B to combat the typhus epidemic (Pressac A:T&O p.188). But HC maintain that at Treblinka alone (Belzec & Sobibor combined would have required similar numbers) the Germans could have made 6,560 to 24,000 truck journeys, simply to put mud in their mud "storage place."

"One might think that Mattogno, Graf & Kues would like their readers to believe that the SS made graves big enough for a house to comfortably fit in because they liked to keep their Jewish labor force digging all the time, or because they enjoyed the healthy exercise themselves or were so fond of handling excavators that they made enormous graves just for the fun of it." (p.439)
British businessman Joseph Williamson (1769–1840) who constructed the famous tunnels under Liverpool, paid the unemployed men of the city to perform labourious tasks—just to undo them, simply to give them employment:
"Williamson would often have his men perform apparently pointless duties. It is said that he would get a man to move a pile of rocks from one place to another and then get him to move them back again."

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